Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Beginnings

With 3 months till the Little Rock Marathon it is time to knock it off and get serious. 

Today 10 miles with a friend, LeAnn, really helped.  She doesn't take walk breaks, so I had to work for it on my PlyoX (p90x) legs.  Wow, but it was great to do it.

A text from Superman helped lift my spirits.  It helps to know I'm not in this alone.  Thank you Mark.

I'm participating in Marathon Talk's Jantastic.  I think it will help inspire me to run more.  Check it out.  Marathon Talk is a fabulous and informative running podcast.  Great listen.

What do you do to pick yourself up and keep running?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up.  I'm not running, life sucks.  I need some motivation, something, I don't know.  What if I can't find "it"?

Monday, December 10, 2012

LoVit Trail Marathon, Mount Ida, AR

This year was my 4th attempt to finish the full marathon, and I did it!!!  thanks to an hour early start, but I did it!

This course is beautiful, magical, dangerous, monstrous, heartbreaking and wonderful.  When one is so slow, when it takes one so many tries and so many years to finally make it to the finish, it sure makes for a love hate relationship.

This year the temperature was warm and the wind was calm.  What a great day to run.

This unmanned water drop is one of the best sights to behold when one is "out there".

After 2 races pounding the pavement, it was great to be back out in the woods on the trails.  This whole area is covered with quartz.  Its amazingly beautiful in the sunlight.  Its treacherously dangerous footing with the leaves covering up the rocks and roots.

During the last 3 miles of the race things got tough.  One stride my knee was okay, the next stride I was in huge amounts of pain.  I had to stop, rub out my muscles on that leg, walk/jog a few hundred yards then do it all again.  It made for slow going.  The finish line never looked so sweet! 

Sunset 6/12/24 Endurance Run

So what does a runner chick do on Black Friday?  Well, she runs that is what she does.

There were a few of us who thought this was the best way to spend the weekend.  We each had our individual goals for the race, some mileage, some longest time out there, some just to have fun with friends.

The Saline County Striders Running Club puts this race on each year.  And what a great job they do.  The dedication to this race is beyond words amazing. 

My goal was to run 100K.  Now there wasn't much running going on out there, more jogging and walking, jog/walk, jog/walk.  But finally 100K! 

I still can't wrap my mind around it all.  I think I'm still tired, 2 weeks later, from this adventure.  I'm not sure I want to go farther, but I have a feeling I will. 

It took me 12 hours to go 40 miles.  I was on the back side of the mile looped course when my body decided, at that moment, it was going to sleep.  WOW, what a fight to stay awake.  I fought through 2 more loops, than it was nap time.  I had a cot and blankets at the ready.  My plan was a 20 minute nap, 90 minutes later it was time to run again. 

In total it took 21 hours to go 62.93 miles.  It was way slower than I wanted, but I'm okay with that because with a summer of not running I feel blessed to just be moving.
I'm grateful, after 12 hours of moving, I still have it in myself to notice the beauty around.  The morning light off the leaves gave a renewed sense of hope for a new day, a new year, a new turn in life. 

Chris dropped me off before, and picked me up after the run.  I'm very grateful for his support.  I can't imagine doing it without him.  I hope I can give back to him enough to make this of value to him.