Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Marine Corp Marathon Race Report

 30 Oct 2011
My first Marine Corp Marathon

The plan, the workouts, the running, the tapering, the cross-training were all for a 5:30 finish. 
So when one falls short, WAY short of their goal, what are they to do with that? 
Well, I could enjoy the high notes, and I can learn from the mistakes.  Accepting what I couldn't change will also be part of the process.

This was my first large marathon, my first large race really.  Some 30,000 runners registered for this race with 20,981 finishers.  That is allot of people! for a small town country girl!

It was amazing meeting fellow Marathon Maniacs before the race. 
The Marine Corp Marathon has an amazing start ceremony.  There was prayer sessions in the runner's village before we headed for the starting line.  At the starting line we were awed with skilled parachute maneuvers, awesome aircraft and the singing of The National Anthem.  Finally the gun went off and 20 minutes later the 5:50 pace group passed the starting line.  At least we had the crowded huddle to keep us warm in the 30 something degree temperatures of that cold October morning.

The first 18 miles were AWESOME!!! A horrible knee pain got to me then, very sudden, in a place I haven't had knee pain before (lower inside). I hung with the 5:30 pace group till then (my goal). Everything after that sucked big time. It lifted my spirits seeing Chris near the finish line! I did RUN up that hill at the end! I cried in disappointment and pain while getting my medal. I have decided that the first 18 miles have to define this. It was awesome, I felt great, strong and had a blast. I need to just learn from the rest and let it go.

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