This journey to 100 miles has been an interesting investment worth making.
If I were to die today, without ever making it to the starting line of the Arkansas Traveller 100 Mile on October 3 - 4, 2015 this has been worth it!
In every way possible I'm a better person than I was six months ago. There isn't much one can do that creates that kind of growth as a person. For this growth and recognizing this growth, I'm grateful.
Things I have learned:
-Most things that are exciting or worth doing are hard, very, very hard.
-If something isn't working change it.
-If something is working, don't change it.
-Plan plans and know it won't go as planned.
-One can do solo 50K training runs, in the woods, at night!
-Time alone in the woods, at night, is precious.
-Meditation is a very useful tool to use for race prep.
-People say ultra running is 90% mental and then 10% mental. The mental part is hushing the negativity, meditation helps me do that. It teaches me to see it, instead of own it.
-When one may think friends are no longer interested, those friends may just be distracted.
-Six months of focus is very hard to maintain.
-Having a goal that scares the tar out of you can help drive needed focus for training.
-Running isn't an addiction. Addictions don't make you a better person.
-Running brings out the gratitude in me.
-Have faith in the training if the training is done.
-Things can still go sideways, its an ultra, anything can happen!
Now its taper time. I wasn't prepared for how emotional I am. Most of these emotions are good ones, gratitude for all those who put time and heart into this with me.
Craziest things done in training:
-Hill repeats on the Cork Screw at 2:30 AM yelling at the deer that is snorting and blowing at me.
-Showering out of a water jug in order to change clothes and nap before driving home.
-Solo 50K training runs.
Most epic:
-Solo 50K on the Appalachian Trail.
-Visiting the top of Flat Side Pinnacle for the very first time.
-Star gazing after runs with friends!
-Fun, fabulous training runs while renewing friendships!
-I did this! Scatter brained, never finish what I start, I trained seriously, no excuses for 6 months!
Back to if life ended today, this has been worth it.
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