Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Diet - Lifestyle Makeover

My thoughts on first organized run on a Keto diet and using #KetoOS#KetoMax #PruVit
So I did have stomach trouble and I don’t know why.
In the midst of this transition, which is a challenge for the body, and running an ultra is challenging to the body, and a painful tendon issue, and going light on pain killers because of transitioning to Keto and not knowing the stresses in my body before it is transitioned over and not wanting to add the stressors of pain killers to that.
I never bonked even though I couldn’t eat. I left the course to sleep to stop the dry heaving, not for bonking.
I never was hungry even though I couldn’t eat.
I did keep my heart rate low (180 - age = 129 bpm or less, so as to not need carbs and this get hungry or bonk)
This morning - wee hours of the day I did not wake in the early morning and raid the refrigerator. I didn’t need to, so that means I slept better.
I didn’t wake up starving today.
I walk like I did not just take 21 hours to move 54 (51 officially on the course), aka I can move just fine.
I am very very tired! I’m not completely smashed.
I can’t wait to see what Running feels like in a month/in six months!
51.77 miles for me, Heidi did her first 50K!  Woohoo Congratulations Heidi! 

Beware of junky sentences, my brain isn’t working this morning!

To give PruVit Ketones a try go here.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pacing Ozark Trail 100 - Nov 4-5, 2017

A few days after DNFing the Arkansas Traveller 100 Kimmy Riley asked me to pacer her for the Ozark Trail 100 in MO in November.  She attempted last year and missed a cut off so she was going back to make things right. 
I would be meeting her at mile 65.4 at Hazel Creek Aid Station to pace her from there to the finish line.  I was so nervous.  I was so worried that I can't move fast enough to get Kimmy to the finish line on time.  I talked to a few friends to get the low down on the race, the course, pacing, etc, they assured me it would be fine.  So its time for another adventure.

We, me and Alston Jennings, saw Kimmy at the aid station at mile 40.  She looked good, she was maintaining a very good pace and was in good spirits as a quick smile lit her face when she saw the aid station and her crew there to cheer her on.

Kimmy got to Hazel Creek Aid Station about 12:30ish AM or about. 
We headed out a few minutes later. 
There was a full moon up that night, our head lamps were almost unnecessary.  We did manage to miss a steep left turn and fixed our mistake within a 1/4 mile.  This turned out to be a good thing because it made me hyper aware of finding that next trail marking. 
I didn't get any night time images.  

One can run most of a 100 miler without seeing another person outside of the aid stations.  When a race goes like this seeing signs of life are kind of comforting.  These signs do that.  They are reminders that people are out there and the next aid stations just isn't that far away.

Kimmy is a beast!  She was having cramping difficulties in her quads so she had been walking for 10 miles when she got to Hazel Creek Aid Station, we walked the rest of the way, she walked 46 miles! I never want to walk 36 miles again in one shot in my life!  LOL That is rougher than running/walking it.  

All but about 3 miles of this 100.9 mile run are on the Ozark Trail in MO.  The finish line is located at the Bass River Resort in Steelville, MO.  We spent many miles following the above trail markings.

With our wet/warm autumn we didn't have our normal autumn color.  It came later to AR and MO.  It was a treat to see the forest in all its autumn splendor while out on the trail

No sight is more beautiful than the next aid station! 

Proof of finish line!  It was so great to see these signs.  

One mile to go! 

Kimmy earned this seat! 

Well earned!  

Kimmy's crew, Me, Lisa Gunnoe, Kimmy Riley, Alston Jennings